Encouraging people to read more books to build their knowledge.

My name is Divya Godse and I am an entrepreneur who has started a non-profit business where I sell bookmarks so that I can raise money to donate to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.


Because I started reading at a very young age, as I grew older, I started to realize how much knowledge I gained from all the books that I read and wanted to do something to encourage others to do the same.

The inspiration for starting my nonprofit business came to me after watching my idol, Taylor Swift, take the time to visit sick kids in hospitals to make them feel special.

That had me wanting to design bookmarks to encourage people to read with all of the money being donated to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.

To prove that I was serious, after making a few phone calls and doing a couple of video pitches, I raised my first $500 in just 5 days!

Since I have turned 10 years old, in 2022, my goal this year is to donate $10,000, and I hope I can count on you to support me in my journey by purchasing a bookmark or two or even consider making a donation!